Upcoming challenges of global agriculture

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in 2050 the demand for food will increase by 70 percent over current levels. FAO has already warned since 2009 that the world population will increase from 7,000 billion today to 8.000 billion by 2030 and probably to more than 9,000 million by 2050, bringing the global … Continue reading Upcoming challenges of global agriculture
The sale of rural properties increases

The National Statistics Institute (INE) shows that in 2015 again exceeded in the region 6,000 sales transactions of rural properties, which had not happened since 2008, and is a trend that is being maintained in the first half of 2016. Specifically, last year were sold in Extremadura 6,046 farms representing an increase of 16% compared … Continue reading The sale of rural properties increases
Agriculture 4.0

To meet the challenge of global competition, farmers have to optimize their return on investment. The technology has established itself as a strong ally either through the development of drones or through partially or fully automatic machines. We are facing the so-called Agriculture 4.0. Currently, drones are about to conquer agriculture from the sky. Especially … Continue reading Agriculture 4.0
The future of Inteligent Solar Irrigation System

The company Technology Based at the University of Cordoba IWES is revolutionizing irrigated agriculture with the Solar Inteligent irrigation System that is achieving a drastic drop is achieved energy costs of farms and irrigation communities and the consequent increase in profitability of the activity and improving sustainable management of water and energy resources models. Due … Continue reading The future of Inteligent Solar Irrigation System